Monday, November 17, 2008

7 Hot Christmas Gifts For A Man Who Has Everything

By Peter Crump

I write all about mens gifts, and one of the most common questions I get asked through my website is "what gift do I buy for my man. He has plenty of money and buys what he wants, so he already has everything he wants".

This is of course pretty common. Lots of men just get out there and buy something if they want it, they don't drop hints near birthday time hoping that the hint will be picked up and acted on. Almost by definition, if he wants it he's already got it.

Not always of course, often it's a question of cost. There are men with a list of wants that they would like to fill, but just can't afford them. If your man is like that, and you can afford those gifts, then ask him and see what he'll say, he'll probably jump at the chance to tell you about those things he'd love the most but can't buy for himself.

But lets assume for a moment that your man can afford what he wants, and so you're a little stuck for ideas for unique and unusual birthday gifts or Christmas gifts that are going to get his juices going.

Here's 7 ideas for gifts for him. He may love all of them, he may love none of them, but I doubt it.

There'll be at least one gift for him there that he'll love. Some are extremely expensive and some aren't.

1. Lingerie. Now it isn't entirely a unique gift idea but it's one that is almost guaranteed to work. Men love lingerie. Worn by their women of course. I have seen lots of lists of favorite gifts for men and there is one common gift theme. Lingerie is always up there.

No matter how many pieces of beautiful lingerie a woman has, if she selects well and chooses the right piece I can just about guarantee her man will love it, provided of course she wears it for him.

It's almost a can't fail gift.

And there is wonderful lingerie available for women of any size, so girls it's no excuse to say that you're a little large. If your man loves you large he'll love you large and looking great in some sexy lingerie.

2. Adventure gifts. Most men love adventure and adrenalin. Not all, but most. And many women aren't

aware that there are some excellent companies around that cater to this extremely well. It's possible to find all sorts of adventure gifts for men and women that you would never have thought existed.

And for all sorts of tastes. Would he love to do his first parachute jump? Try white water rafting?

Drive a tank or a supercar? Go zero-g just like the astranauts do in training? You can give him a gift of any of these things and thousands more, from the extreme adrenalin gift to the gentle and invigorating and pampering gift. The adventure gift companies cater for all tastes in outdoors and adventure and adrenalin, even to beautiful and luxurious days like wine tastings and spa days. There's something for everyone.

3. An eco holiday. There is a growing worldwide movement to charity and volunteer and ecological work and travel. Rather than just buy him a holiday in Europe, which is a little ho hum, why not buy him some volunteer travel with a difference. There are lots of companies which offer adventure travel with a twist, volunteer work that helps out those less fortunate than ourselves, both people and animals and the environment.

He may end up on a research vessel in the waters off Mexico counting turtles or in the wilds of Africa measuring the distribution of African animals. The destinations are almost always exotic. There is work to be done but it is so interesting and adventuruous and invigorating that he probably won't even see it as work. It's fun, it's exciting, it's adventurous and it gives back to the environment and to many less fortunate than ourselves helping committed scientists with their research.

It costs, it's not free, but it's an extremely unique and fabulous holiday that he's unlikely to better.

4 Chinese art. This is a favorite of mine because I lived in China for a while and just love Chinese art. We have so many pieces that we don't have enough space to hang them all. From beatiful Chinese wall hangings to the absolutely fabuluous and quite unique teapots of Yixing, there are so many Chinese artworks that would go so well in so many of our Western homes.

And it's so cheap. For the man who loves his art, Chinese art is a gift of art with a difference.

5. Mens jewelry. Now this is a gift for a man who likes to wear jewelry obviously, and you need to establish this first. However for a man who does like his jewelry there are some extremely modern and stunning jewelry pieces available on the net now at very competitive prices. And they are made exclusively for men using some of the finest and most masculine of jewelry metals. Like Titanium. If you haven't checked out Titanium jewelry for men on the net lately and your man likes jewelry you should do so. It makes for a wonderful and sometimes extremely romantic gift for the right man.

6. An elephant painting. Another one for the man who likes his art. Painted by a real Asian elephant on paper which is made from elephant dung. Now before you wonder if I've gone mad check it out. The elephants really do the painting, I have a video of it on my website. And believe it or not they paint recognisable objects. The paintings look great, are extremely inexpensive, and would make a great artwork to hang near the table to stimulate some evening conversation with his friends.

And in Thailand, where a lot of the elephant paintings are done, they also make the most stunning paper from elephant dung. And yes, again I've got links on my website to sites where you can actually see how it's done, it's not a fraud. It's beautiful paper, and you can get his elephant painting done on elephant dung paper.

7. And for the man who has absolutely everything and who won't like anything at all from number 1 to 6, then buy him a whale. It is perfectly possible to do. He doesn't actually get a whale wrapped in paper to unwrap on his birthday. However there are organisations like the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin trust that track and identify individual whales and dolphins, and allow you to name his own whale or dolphin. There is a real whale or dolphin out there that is named for him.

The money helps in the protection of our whales and gives him a unique and memorable gift.

So there you have it, 7 suggestions for great gifts for the man who has everything. Ranging in price from $50 or so, to seriously expensive.

Now you don't have any excuses to say "I have no idea what to buy him for his birthday" any more.

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